Good looks and high quality make Keihin 33mm CRS smoothbore round slides the ideal Norton carb kit. Legal for AHMRA Bears and F750 classic racing. Unique custom made cable wheel and mounts make it possible for these to fit Commando frames & fuel tanks. Pre-jetted. These twin carbs are mechanically linked together so they come pre-sychronsized. Balance tube included.
Special custom length manifolds give plenty of frame clearance (see manifolds below). Easy access choke lever operates both carbs.
Customer feedback: “…everything fitted up well. Started instantly with little choke and quickly settled into an idle which I have not touched !… these dual Keihins are awesome, they run strong and clean with no jetting changes required, super happy with this set up.” Richard V.

Smooth bore carbs in Commando frames

Smooth Bore of carbs with straight manifolds in Featherbed frame and provided manifolds
Smooth Bore of carbs with in Seeley frame
Smooth Bore of carb at wide open throttle is optimum for max HP. Highest flowing carb currently available.
Options include airfilter and plumbing kit below
Plug color with tuned Keihin carbs
Curved manifolds with balance tubes for tilted engines
Alternative straight manifolds with balance tubes for vertical engines
Thin ham can that fits from RGM