Aluminum sleeves without bushing extensions.

Aluminum sleeves with bushing extensions.
The aluminum sleeves are slit and expanded so they can be pushed into place by hand and have just the right tension so they stay located at the top of the slider without moving. The top sleeve covers up the large oil bleed hole in the fork tube when it nears full extension, thus creating a hydraulic bump stop to eliminate the harsh metallic “clunking” sound of Norton forks. Will not restrict fork travel. Special short 1/8″ plugs (not shown) are provided for blanking off the oil escape hole at the bottom of the fork tubes just above the lower bushing in order to make this kit really work.
The bottom sleeves fit over the bottom of the damper tubes to cover the oil bleed holes below the conical section so you have a hydraulic bump stop. If you already have large 1/4″ holes in (or above) the conical section then you are finished. But if there is no hole then you must drill a new one. Drill one 1/8” hole in the middle of the conical section and you will have minimal compression damping. To reduce compression damping for a softer ride drill the hole to 1/4” diameter (prefered for street).
For slippery Turcite fork bushings and damping upgrades (see Fork upgrades).